I'm Julie!
Welcome to Simply Unprocessed! I started this blog to show you that eating unprocessed is attainable, fun, and fulfilling! The surprising upsides have made this adventure a fun learning experience, and I want to share them all with you!
It's worth noting that I am not a foodie, nutritionist, or food expert. I'm a regular person who never really enjoyed cooking and saw food as merely functional. Also worth noting, I'm perfectly imperfect at this, and I'm not 100% unprocessed every day, but I do my best.
A few books I picked up got me curious about the food - and what I'd later learn, food-like products - we've been conditioned to believe are "good for us." (Visit my bookshelf for more recommendations!)
As a result, I slowly changed to incorporate unprocessed foods for my health. I began sharing them with my family to instill in my young girls a positive relationship with food and eventually eliminate "kid food" from our home.
My experience going unprocessed is also about better understanding where food comes from and intentionally shortening the time and distance it takes to get to my table. I also love to support local food producers and our local economy. Everyone wins!
Since you're here, I imagine you feel the same way. And it's worth restating that I'm no expert, and any tips, tricks, or learnings I share are purely informational. Let's get unprocessing!
Thanks for being here!