Community Guidelines
Welcome to Simply Unprocessed!
This space is for people who are - and learning to - prioritize fresh food of any kind that is locally sourced. The goals of this website are to share experiences on our respective journeys to help one another become less dependent on highly processed foods.
To meet the collective goals of the community, it's important that all site visitors feel safe and supported. Attacks over personal choices will not be tolerated on this website. To help everyone have the best possible experience, please take a look at our community guidelines:
1. Be kind and courteous
We're all in this together to create a space where we can all learn from one another. Let's treat each other with respect and understand that we are each at different points in our personal journeys.
2. This is not a medical/nutrition/consultative group
This website is not intended for medical or nutritional purposes or to share health-related information. It is first and foremost a site to share experiences incorporating unprocessed and fresh foods into our lives and decreasing the number of processed foods in our lives. You are responsible for your own health.
3. Be relevant - all posts and comments must be food related
Feel free to post comments and start discussions on any topics relating to unprocessed eating, food prep, cooking, and buying locally grown foods. No nutritional posts or promotion of medical advice is allowed. This website is not intended to share nutritional information. Its purpose is to share information about unprocessed foods and delicious ways to cook them. If you have a variation on a recipe I reference, or if you used a delicata squash in an amazing way, let us know!!
4. Zero tolerance for harassment
You should respectfully challenge ideas but never directly attack a person. Any comments or DMs to visitors or website administrators will be immediately removed. This includes posts that spread misinformation and are disruptive to the group or cause others to feel unsafe.
5. Do not share information in posts without permission
Never share anything in a post without expressed permission from the original poster.
6. Do not spam.