No one asked, but I thought I'd switch up this week's content and share my reviews of the everyday things I have blogged about on my journey as a new-ish SAHM committed to a minimally/unprocessed lifestyle. While I live what I blog about, I honestly don't love it all, but that's what discipline is all about, right? So here's my take on it all, to show that every day and week, doing this is a choice.
Making List of Weekly Meals (4/5 stars)

This is fun when I have actual space to give it thought. I enjoy browsing cookbooks, picking recipes, and adding ingredients to my online grocery shopping order. It's a linear task that is easy and fun for me.
Cooking Dinner (2/5 stars)

Honestly, it's not for me. But it's an important way to keep my commitment to leading a healthy lifestyle, so I push through and make it as enjoyable, simple, and edible as possible. I wish it didn't happen at the end of the day when we're all entering our witching hour. Since I like to control what we eat, it's not as simple as farming it out to my husband. We operate differently in the kitchen, and I like things a certain way; there, I said it.
Cleaning Up After Dinner (0/5 stars)

Upon reflection, I believe this is the reason I'm not a cooking superfan. The cleanup is endless, and to do this every night after a long day when all I want to do is sit on my couch? No, thank you. Now, I delegate this to my husband, as I'm less particular, but he's not home most nights as he is carting kids around to their respective activities. Try as I might for single-pot dinners, I always have a mountain of cleanup. My toxic trait is that I'm physically incapable of relaxing until the kitchen is clean, so I grit my teeth and get 'er done.
Picking Up My CSA (5/5 stars)

Love this experience. Going to the farmer's market and seeing the hustle and bustle gives me energy. The live music, the colors, and everyone walking around with their reusable bags make it an electric place. Plus, I get to leave with a basket full of locally-grown vegetables.
Food Prepping (4/5 stars)

When in the right headspace, this is enjoyable. Knowing that I'm getting food ready for an easier mealtime makes me happy. Prepping food also ensures (most of the time) that food will not go to waste, which I rate 5/5 stars.
Packing School Lunches (1/5 stars)

Too much math that early in the morning. Remembering who likes what and do we even have any more of that? is all too much for me. Thankfully, my husband does it. And when he travels, I am ever more grateful upon his return. Why not have them buy school lunch, you ask? I've reviewed the menus, and unfortunately, school lunches are good options for our fam. Too processed, too sugary for everyday consumption.
When Kids "Help" Me Cook (3/5 stars)

Real talk, it depends on my mood, the last time I've eaten, and if I got enough sleep that night because my patience depends on all those things. They either want to do everything themselves or nothing at all (iykyk), so I reserve "help" for when I'm not in a time crunch. Baking is an excellent option for us.
Going Out To Dinner (3.5/5 stars)

This experience gets two reviews: 5/5 for not having to cook or clean up. Add to cart every time. 2/5 because I wonder where the food - particularly meat or fish - comes from the whole time. So fun! Now, if it's a nice restaurant, I have more confidence that meat sources are of a higher standard.
Sharing This Journey With You (5/5 stars)

A year later, It still amazes me that I put myself out there on a weekly(ish) basis. It warms my heart when readers take action based on things I'm sharing, like joining a CSA or making an unprocessed meal. Thank you for reading and being a part of this journey with me!